New Gauge Digital
School Based IT Technician Induction for New Orange Card Holders- Primary
This course gives IT Technicians new to Queensland Department of Education primary schools an introduction to the work practices and processes needed to succeed as an Orange Card Holder.
This course is delivered by Richard Clarke, an Orange Card Holder for over a decade. Richard has trained and mentored many School-Based IT Technicians, both new to the IT industry or new to the role of an Orange Card Holder.
- The role of of the School-Based Technician in the school community
- Who's who- roles, responsibilities and relationships
- More than just a technician- the Orange Card Holder as trusted adviser
- Communication- communicating with non-technical people in a time-critical, high-stress environment
- Accountability- job-logging, feedback and reports
- Managing the IT environment- fixing vs getting it fixed
- Asset Management- "It still works" and other myths
- School seasons- the rhythms of the school year and what happens when
- And more...
This course will be delivered over the course of six weeks in a combination of re-recorded material and half-hour Teams-based discussion and mentoring sessions.
Course participants must either be enrolled in the Queensland Department of Education course or have successfully completed the course.